Goodbye 2020, hello 2021!

We ended 2020, a year with a series of adaptations and learning, on this occasion, as every year, I would like to share a compilation of the activities carried out. In the first quarter, we regularly run our programs, until March 15, which we had to go into quarantine as a result of an emergency, […]

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November at Clara Luna by Annabel Wiest.

         «A month of Rights and Respect» by Annabel Wiest. Translated by Lorraine Smart   Here we go again! This month of November was intense and full of wonderful themes. We are still recording our Facebook Lives and we’re working hard for our kids’ clubs. The good news is that winter is coming, so is the […]

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October at Clara Luna y Andreina Mejía

Translated by Lorraine Smart This month, I started doing my internships with the Clara Luna team, as it is my last year in school, and you need to have experience about what you studied. I decided to do them at Clara Luna because it would be very good for my future aspirations as I can […]

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September at Clara Luna by Paola Martínez

“A month of learning through “The Little Prince.” Translated by Abril Mendoza. Ecuador has come out of the exception state. However, we continue to stay at home for our safety and of our families. The streamings are adding up, and we have reached 42 of them, in which we have entered our project «The Little […]

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August at Clara Luna by Annabel Wiest

Translated by Abril Mendoza Welcome, Little Prince! To end our Anthony Browne chapter in our Virtual Kids’ Club, a very famous gorilla went into Clara Luna’s spotlight: King Kong. Anthony Browne had created his version of King Kong using features from the original film. The book was divided into four parts, and it delighted all […]

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July at Clara Luna by Paola Martinez

Translated by Abril Mendoza The traffic lights of emotions. In Ecuador, most cities have not changed the colors of their traffic lights. There are new rules and restrictions on mobility and activities overall we continue at home. In July, our live broadcasts reached more homes, motivating us a lot. While the time of exceptions continues, […]

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June at Clara luna by Annabel Wiest

Translated by Abril Mendoza Environment, art, and fun! June was a busy month. Our famous Willy, from Anthony Browne’s tales, was visiting the Clara Luna’s children, again, through virtual transmissions. Also, Fathers’ Day allowed us to continue reading a book from our book’s collection of the same author titled «My father,» a tale where the […]

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May at Clara Luna by Annabel Wiest

Translated by Abril Mendoza Let’s have a look at what happened in May at Clara Luna, the month that marks a custom that we have now in our work, and where different projects are born. Our «live» shows on Facebook are popular, and they are becoming professional. We discovered some new features on the platform […]

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