In November we had a full house. There were Jane & Phillip from England, Viviane & Mary from Canada, Manuela & Caroline from France, Paige from the USA, Kamila from Poland, and last but not least Christian, Claudia and Lucy from Germany. We were like happy sardines in a multicultural can 😉
We taught English classes to many groups: children and teens. We also had a special group of “Servicio Civil Cuidadano”, very motivated students who are currently unemployed and receive support from the Municipally of Puerto Lopez.
And of course we continued with “Club de Niños”, every Wednesday and Friday. We are so happy because the kids love to read. Every time we start our meetings with a short reading session in which children read individually. Sometimes we read together as well. Once we read “El pez Arcoiris” which kids liked a lot. Inspired by the story every kid made their own marine friend from a paper and we played some games like “fondo del mar», to understand more how our little friends feel in their natural environment . Another time we discussed construction and recycling. We read a story called “Los tres cerditos” (which the kids know by heart but the wolf part is always so exciting to them J Chris and Claudia came up with a brilliant idea with spaghetti & marshmallow craft: the kids built a tower, car, doll, house and many other crazy things (and ate the leftover marshmallow, of course). The same day in which we were reincarnated as toys, with a little help of a Chris the Wizard and his magic stick.
Not to be overwhelmed by aquatic topics we also did some culture introduction at “Club de Niños”. Viviane told the kids about Canada, and Jane & Phillip about Great Britain. Soon we need to catch up with other countries 😉
Our favorite game in November at “Intercambio” was definitely “Taboo,” lead by Claudia and Jane. Always full of laughter and smiles. But in Clara Luna we not only practice languages, we also practice Yoga. Viviane was our instructor. She made a very active and relaxing contribution to Clara Luna’s community. Thank you, Viviane! 😉
In November volunteers of Clara Luna frequently vistied persons with different disabilities to practice physiotherapy and help them with their schoolwork.
We also helped Machalilla National Park by doing morning and night patrols in search of turtle’s nests as now it’s their nesting season and these majestic animals are in need of protection.
The weather was rather moody in November but somehow we made it! 😉